Importance of Regular Eye Exams In Children

Importance of Regular Eye Exams In Children

Good vision is important for children because it helps them learn and helps them focus in school. It is also important for eye health. Read on to understand the  common childhood vision problems and the importance of regular eye exams in children:

Common Childhood Vision Problems

  • Nearsightedness

Nearsightedness, or myopia, occurs when a person can see objects that are far away but not objects that are close. It generally starts in early childhood and progresses during adulthood. Myopia is diagnosed during routine eye exams. Treatment may include corrective eyewear, contact lenses, or corrective surgery. Myopia is caused by genetics and environmental factors. It may also be associated with other eye issues, such as astigmatism.

  • Farsightedness

Farsightedness occurs when your child’s vision is distorted due to focusing an image behind the retina. This condition is also known as hyperopia. Many children develop farsightedness earlier in life. This is frequently detected during eye exams when the child begins school. Children with farsightedness can see objects in the distance without issue but have difficulty seeing objects up close.

  • Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a common vision problem among children. It’s caused by an irregularly-shaped cornea. When this happens, the light entering the eye is not focused correctly. This results in blurry vision. Astigmatism is very common. It affects around 1 in 3 children. In most cases, it’s corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses.

  • Strabismus

Strabismus, or crossed eyes, occurs when a person’s eyes point in different directions. It often occurs at birth, but it can also develop over time due to eye conditions, such as farsightedness or astigmatism. Strabismus can cause depth perception issues and problems with vision development. It is recommended that children with strabismus undergo corrective treatment. Treatment options include glasses, eye patches, and surgery.

  • Amblyopia

Amblyopia, or lazy eye, happens when one eye has significantly lower vision than the other. It develops when the brain favors one eye over the other. It can be corrected with glasses, vision therapy, or surgery.

How Can Poor Vision Affect Learning In Children?

Children should have their first eye exam by six months old. This is to make sure your child’s eyes are developing normally and there are no signs of an eye condition.

If poor vision goes uncorrected, it can cause problems with a child’s learning development. Problems can include the following:

  • Difficulty focusing on details, like watching a teacher write on a chalkboard.
  • Having trouble learning to read.
  • Having trouble learning or remembering new information.
  • Learning disabilities, like dyslexia, can also be caused by uncorrected vision problems.

Common Vision Problems To Look Out For In Children

As your child gets older, you may notice them squinting often or rubbing their eyes. These are signs that their vision may be blurry or that they’re experiencing eye strain. Your child may complain of headaches or have difficulty seeing the board at school. The other vision problems to look out for in children include the following:

  • Losing their pace while reading
  • Getting confused with similar-looking words
  • Failing to identify the same word in the following sentence
  • Exhibiting signs of poor reading comprehension
  • Writing carelessly
  • Complaining of frequent headaches, eyes hurting, or double vision
  • Avoiding reading and writing
  • Struggling to concentrate 
  • Blinking or reading with one eye closed

When Should I Take My Child To The Eye Doctor For The First Time?

The American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) recommends that your child have his or her first eye exam if no vision problems are noted at six months of age. If your doctor sees any risk factors or eye issues, he or she will likely recommend more frequent checkups, including vision screenings, eye coordination tests, and visual acuity (eyesight) checks.

Conclusion - Importance of Eye Exams In Children

It’s important for parents to be proactive about their children’s vision. If your child needs glasses or contacts, it’s wise to schedule an appointment with an optometrist sooner rather than later.

At Summerlin Vision, we encourage parents to bring their children regularly for comprehensive eye exams. We are located at 900 S Pavilion Center Dr #140, Las Vegas, NV 89144. You can also reach us at (702) 243-8788 and schedule an appointment.


900 S Pavilion Center Dr #140,
Las Vegas, NV 89144

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MON - THU8:30 am - 5:00 pm

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